Guess what, Guess what? You will never believe it. This morning Michael brought me his Science to check and it was not only 100% correct but it was a CROSSWORD. I was in tears. He said well I just want to get my work done as if it was no big deal.
Do you remember the picture of the flowers I made last night, well guess what they did not harden and I am totally lost. I have a fan on them now and am hoping by morning they are dry or I will be heading to Sam’s to pick up a cake.
We did not leave the house today and I have to admit not many chores got done. School and me working on the cake. We did order pizza tonight and I ordered myself a sandwich. A hour later Grace walked in here and said what is that and why did you not share. She cracks me up.
I touched the babies today and mama cat knows I did. She did not seem to mind. Tomorrow is the garden party at church I feel bad that I did not do much for the girls hats.
Faith is sleeping in the girl’s room tonight. She has been sleeping downstairs more than not. Did I tell you I got my beautiful Mother’s Day card? Thank you for thinking of me.
I love you babe but I am heading to bed. Can you believe I have been asleep early for the last several nights? I am really trying to make sure we stay rested. I love you, Pamela PETRIE
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