I love you and miss you. We had a wonderful day and got a lot done. School got done. I made bread. I made a new peanut butter cookie recipe and made a chocolate cake recipe. I also made candied grapes which I think you will like.
Tonight we went to Darcy’s for dinner and had a great time. I really enjoyed talking to her and the kids had fun. Can I just say she looks amazing? She has worked hard and you can tell it.
We do not have any plans other than school tomorrow. I have got to get this laundry caught up and put away. It is taking over the living room.
I know I am sending you a ton of kitten pictures but you have not seen them in a couple of days. They are getting so big. They are starting to play with us and the one that looks like momma actually licks us. Last night I watched Army Wives and then went to bed and stayed up another hour playing with them. I never get time alone with them.
Okay babe I love you but I have got to get in bed. And I guess Hope is sleeping with me. Grace has kind of attached herself to Faith recently. Last night Faith told the girls some story about a crazy butterfly and scared them. So I made her sleep with the girls and told her if they wake up she must comfort them. I do not mind Hope sleeping with me because she stays on her side and it makes her feel special.
Good night, I love you babe,
Pamela Petrie
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