I love you and am so glad you are healthy this Memorial Day and are safe. I missed having you with us today. I took the kids to our local Memorial Day event. It was small maybe 50 people mostly older people. It was so neat though watching all the men stand up for when they served. There was a man in front of us who served in Dessert storm. When he saluted it brought chills down my spine. I guess you never forget how to salute.
I came home and cleaned out the girl’s closet and put away most of their winter clothes so we had more room and could stay organized.
The kids played outside in the rain this evening but only for about 20 minutes before it started lightening. We got a whole day of school done today. Michael only has about 7 days left of school. I am looking forward to a break.
I think I will be going to Fuquay in the next couple of days because Roberta said I could borrow her steam cleaner. Okay the rest of this letter is going to be in pictures. I love you babe and cannot wait to talk to you.
Love ya babe,
okay the first two pictures are 2 of about 30 that I took of the kittens today. I am trying to take pictures to make posters and this is how they came out. Do you think they will help?
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